We Will Navigate Your Divorce With You Every Step of the Way
Our Ridgewood divorce lawyers at TMO Law LLC are compassionate and dedicated legal advocates. We will help you navigate the emotional and legal complexities of divorce and make sound decisions regarding your future.
What Divorce Matters Does TMO Law LLC Handle?
We represent clients in all facets of divorce, including but not limited to the following:
- Alimony
- Arbitration
- Child Custody
- Child Support
- Collaborative Divorce
- Division of Marital Assets and Debts
- Divorce
- Domestic Violence
- Guardianship
- Mediation
- Post-Judgment Matters
- Postnuptial Agreements
- Prenuptial Agreements
- Relocation
- Same-Sex Divorce
What Are the Grounds for Divorce in New Jersey?
You must provide a reason when filing for divorce in New Jersey. Legally referred to as “grounds” for divorce, the reason you choose to cite is based on the type of divorce you plan to file, either “fault-based” or “no-fault.”
Most New Jersey divorces are uncontested, with “irreconcilable differences” as the grounds. You are not obligated to provide additional information on what led to the dissolution of the marriage. This is often the simplest and quickest way to divorce in New Jersey.
When filing a fault-based divorce, you will be responsible for providing evidence supporting your claims, which can be especially difficult to gather without legal help. Hiring an experienced Ridgewood divorce lawyer is strongly encouraged. Lawyers have an established network of investigators and experts who are adept at evidence-gathering.
Does it Matter Who Files for Divorce First in New Jersey?
Deciding to file for divorce is a personal preference. The courts have no legal requirements stating who is responsible for filing the petition. However, there are advantages of filing first, including:
- Increased preparation time: Gathering and preparing all the forms and materials required to file is time-consuming. If you have decided to file for divorce, you have the advantage of an unlimited amount of time to prepare.
- Set the tone: You have the advantage of determining whether to file for a fault or no-fault divorce and strategize with your lawyer, thereby setting the overall tone of your divorce.
- Convenience: It may sound insignificant, but where the divorce is filed will impact you. Filing first in your county allows you to choose where all divorce proceedings will occur.
According to New Jersey law, divorce papers must be served to your spouse within 30 days of filing. Your spouse will have 35 days to respond by formally answering the petition, disputing your claims, or filing their own counterclaims. A judge may grant and finalize your petition if your spouse does not respond.
What Costs Should I Expect in a New Jersey Divorce?
The costs you can expect vary depending on the type of divorce you pursue and how lengthy the process becomes. High-net-worth spouses should prepare for higher fees, potentially involving experts to evaluate assets during the discovery phase. Couples in brief marriages without children generally encounter lower overall costs.
In New Jersey, divorce proceedings have certain fees. Filing for a divorce incurs a $300 fee, filing an Answer or Counterclaim to the Complaint for Divorce costs $175, and parents must pay an extra $25 for a parenting workshop.
Couples with limited financial means may qualify for a fee waiver, relieving them from filing expenses if their income falls at or below 150 percent of the federal poverty level. Additional potential costs may involve attorney and process server fees and private mediation or parenting coordination expenses.
Am I Responsible for My Ex’s Fees?
Under certain circumstances, New Jersey courts might require one spouse to cover the attorney fees of the other, referred to as a “pendente lite award.” This decision is influenced by various factors, including but not limited to:
- Financial resources of each spouse.
- The ability of each spouse to afford attorney fees.
- The complexity of the divorce proceedings.
- The needs of any children involved.
If the court determines that one spouse is financially disadvantaged, the other spouse may be required to contribute partially or entirely to the attorney fees. This ensures that both spouses have equitable access to legal representation. TMO Law LLC will provide legal guidance if you have concerns about any fees.
Settlement Issues in a Divorce in New Jersey
Numerous issues must be resolved in divorce, including asset distribution, child custody and support, alimony, and other related matters. These must be incorporated into a legally binding agreement between the spouses. Various alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods, such as mediation or arbitration, are available. If ADR is ineffective, courtroom litigation is necessary. The agreement must be approved by the court and filed before the final divorce decree can be issued.
How Will TMO Law LLC Help Me With My Divorce?
You are not required to hire a divorce lawyer in New Jersey. However, not hiring one could be a detrimental decision. Our knowledgeable and experienced Ridgewood divorce lawyers at TMO Law LLC will provide objective advice, legal guidance, and the support you need to make sound decisions for your and your children’s future.
Our legal team will do the following:
- Determine divorce grounds.
- Provide neutral, objective guidance.
- Prepare and file required documents.
- Gather and compile marital assets and debts.
- Establish fair distribution of marital property.
- Prepare parenting agreements.
- Represent you in court if the case reaches trial.
- Protect your rights.
Our Ridgewood Divorce Lawyers at TMO Law LLC Help Clients Plan Successful Post-Divorce Futures
If you are considering divorce, our seasoned Ridgewood divorce lawyers at TMO Law LLC will help. Call us at 201-971-4866 or contact us online to schedule a consultation. Located in Paramus, New Jersey, we serve clients in Bergen, Passaic, Morris, Essex, and Hudson Counties, and northern New Jersey.